
Job Description Business Group Overview: DPG's vision is to connect and enrich the lives of every person on earth through seamless and pervasive computing. DPG employees are at the forefront of enabling a new era of computing that is more integrated into all aspects of our daily lives. The Program Manager (PM)team in the Datacenter Execution and Operation Group (DEO) is responsible for datacenter group server product development activities, the products include reference platforms and commercial platforms. Responsibility: The project Manager (PjM) is to play support role for program manager (PM) on the project execution. In this position, you will lead cross-functional team to assure executions and achieve deliverables. Your responsibilities include but not be limited to 1. Plan and review program's team unit demand within program budget. 2. Provide overall status, results & indicators for product change control boards (CCB). 3. Analyze & drive improvements for PM tools/website, maintain program documentations. 4. Manager special task force for sustaining product assigned from PM. 5. Lead new PM tool dev. During the internship, candidates will have opportunities to learn and develop 1. Experience the culture of Intel Corporation, US base company 2. Understanding of server product development process and basic tools for program management 3. Full experience of engaging with different functional teams and learnings. 4. Communication stills and presentation skills improvement 5. Business acumen development 6. Recommend as good candidate for Intel BB
Qualification: 1. Degree of Computer Science or related. 2. Basic knowledge of Server 3. Good English Communication 4. Good discipline 5. Familiar with web portal tool/database development is an advantage
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