
15-20K * 12薪
Responsibilities In this position, you will be involved in design activities of the latest generation of Intel server and storage product design, working with first class engineering team. You are expected to understand board and system product development process, to learn the latest server and storage technology. You will be assigned a mentor, to help you develop technical skills required for a board hardware design engineer. The best of all, you will get opportunities to be hired by Intel if you performed excellent during your internship. Your responsibilities will include but not be limited to: - Join project design team, support the board design function as the technical intern. - Accomplish assigned design or validation tasks, such as schematic design, tools development, design review, validation and issue debug. - Organize meeting, collect information, analysis data and provide summary report. - Setup and accomplish intern training plan with Mentor's help. - -
In this position, you will be involved in design activities of the latest generation of Intel server and storage product design, working with first class engineering team. You are expected to understand board and system product development process, to learn the latest server and storage technology. You will be assigned a mentor, to help you develop technical skills required for a board hardware design engineer. The best of all, you will get opportunities to be hired by Intel if you performed excellent during your internship. Your responsibilities will include but not be limited to: - Join project design team, support the board design function as the technical intern. - Accomplish assigned design or validation tasks, such as schematic design, tools development, design review, validation and issue debug. - Organize meeting, collect information, analysis data and provide summary report. - Setup and accomplish intern training plan with Mentor's help
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